Monday, 5 June 2017

On This Day in History 1878 ...

June 5th

Pancho Villa was Born Doroteo Arango on June 5, 1878, in Río Grande, Mexico. Villa helped out on his parents’ farm. After his father’s death, he became head of the household and shot a man who was harassing one of his sisters. He fled, but was caught and imprisoned. Villa escaped again and later became a bandit.

While living as a fugitive, Villa joined Francisco Madero’s successful uprising against the Mexican dictator, Porfirio Díaz. Because of his skills as a fighter and a leader he was made a colonel. Another rebellion removed Madero from power in 1912 and Villa was almost executed for his efforts to defend the former government. He fled to the United States for a time, but he later returned to Mexico and formed his own military force known as Division del Norte (Division of the North).

He joined forces with other revolutionaries Venustiano Carranza and Emiliano Zapata to overthrow Victoriano Huerta. The different forces were not wholly successful at working together, and Villa and Carranza became rivals. For a number of years, he was involved in a series of clashes with other Mexican military groups and even fought with U.S. troops from 1916 to 1917. In 1920, Villa reached an agreement with Adolfo de la Huerta, the Mexican leader, which pardoned him for his actions in return for Villa putting an end to his independent military activities. Three years later, he was assassinated on June 20, 1923.

In the FARGO series written by John Benteen, number 18: KILLER'S MOON the storyline features Pancho Villa.

Fargo was running Springfield rifles across the border to Pancho Villa. That meant he had to dodge the U.S. Army, the Texas Rangers, and the Mexican regulars. But for the kind of money he was getting, it was worth it. Then he got mixed up with two American sisters—Rose and Lola. Rose was a nice girl, Lola was wild and mean—and you can guess which one Fargo liked better. Especially when she was holding half a million dollars in stolen money!

Published June 01 2017
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