The author, who we all know and love, is the author of the Frank Angel and Sudden novels, says:
could say that APACHE COUNTRY is a
“chase thriller”
(I hope) it’s a bit more sophisticated than just that.
a story filled with love, death, hope and hatred that begins when David Easton,
a small town law officer in Riverside, New Mexico, takes a call from one of his
detectives that prominent and powerful citizen Robert Casey and his grandson
Adam have been bloodily murdered in an arroyo outside town.
murder scene is a bloodbath that makes no sense: why would anyone kill a
middle-aged businessman and a schoolboy? Even as a full-scale
investigation led by District Attorney
Olin McKitrick is mounted, a suspect – James Ironheel, a Chiricahua Apache --
is arrested by State p0lice not far from the murder site. "
looks as guilty as hell, but Easton becomes convinced there is something behind
his refusal to tell them anything. His concern grows, first when the rookie State
lawyer sent to defend the Apache is clearly devastated by what he learns
interrogating the suspect, and further when Ironheel’s sister Joanna refuses to
become involved in her brother’s problems. When, that same day, lawyer Weddle
is found murdered in his motel room, Easton gives Ironheel one more try, and it
leads to a shattering surprise: the reason the Apache won’t talk is because he
witnessed the twin murders and has recognised Easton’s boss, Sheriff Joe
Apodaca, as one of the two men who did the killing. "
As to what happens to Easton and Ironheel, you will have to wait until May 1st, 2016.
You can pre-order from Amazon UK, and Smashwords ... NOW!
We will be publishing APACHE COUNTRY on May 1st 2016 at $4.50